Do you have a secular version of Shormann Math?

We do not have a secular version of Shormann Math. Most of the Christian references are actually historical events and people that make learning math more interesting. Similar to American History, where the founders' faith had a profound effect on what they did. We also use Christianity (not religion, but a relationship with Christ), to explore faith-based aspects of math, like infinity. Below are several articles about why our math has a historical, Christian foundation.

Why include Christian and Historical information in Math?

Most modern mathematics curricula ignore math history. But core ideas have consequences, and studying history often reveals which ideas are worth repeating and which ones aren’t. Did you know that Isaac Newton, author of the most famous science book ever written (The Principia), based the format of his book off of Euclid’s Elements, the most famous math book ever written? Did you know Shormann Math bases its format off Euclid’s and Newton’s famous works, stating rules and definitions up front, and using these as the building blocks to learn new concepts? Did you know that modern mathematics has a rich Christian heritage? Well, if you use Shormann Math, you will learn all about these things and more! Whether or not you are using a classical, trivium/quadrivium approach to your child’s education, understanding mathematics within a biblical, historical framework will help students make more sense out of what they are learning and why they are learning it.Definitions Matter: Thinking of mathematics as the “ship” and the definition as the “captain”, a good captain can use the ship for what it’s designed for. A good captain knows who built the ship. A good captain can help others better understand what the ship is capable of. Here is how mathematics is defined in Shormann Math:

Mathematics: The language of science and a God-given tool for measuring and classifying pattern and shape.

This definition tells us that mathematics, with all of its unique symbols, is best thought of as a language. It is a language we can use to study creation. Next, this definition tells us mathematics is about measuring things. It also tells us mathematics helps us find truth, goodness, beauty, and unity and diversity as we classify pattern and shape.

But most importantly, this definition of mathematics tells us “who built the ship.” Mathematics is not man-made, it is God-given. Created in His image (Genesis 1:26), we are designed by God to use this tool to be creative, too! God designed us to be creative and to engage in fruitful, productive activities (Genesis 1:28). Click here to learn more about the Shormann Math definition of mathematics.

Because everyone is created in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-28), everyone is designed to be creative like Him, too. But while God can just create by speaking (John 1:1-5), we humans need tools. And mathematics is like a giant treasure chest of tools, waiting to be discovered and put to use.

Scholars describe mathematics as “the language of science.” And what is a good way to learn a new language (or a sport, or an instrument)? Well, you learn some of the basics, practice for a while, and then learn some more. You use an “incremental approach with continual review!” And like a language, sport, or instrument, mathematics is not a passive, textbook-only activity. It’s an active, pencil and paper pursuit. The method is instrumental in making Shormann Math for everyone!

Why is a Christian foundation important for math?

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